Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality: Book 3

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality LyX files
"Cleaner" version than the one by IlCensore: (but still - big thanks to him, for creating all the lyx files for all the chapters)
- Removed Images
- Split into three books (1+2 | 3+4 | 5+6)
- Same style across all three volumes
- Removed compiler errors (at least on my machine)
- etc etc
you will need the Crimson and Biolinum font - and LyX
Calculations (official PDFs)
Book 1: HJPEV and the Methods of Rationality :: 351 p
Book 2: HJPEV and the Professor's Games :: 287 p
Book 3: HJPEV and the Shadows of Death :: 397 p
Book 4: HJG and the Phoenix's Call :: 393 p
Book 5: HJPEV and the Last Enemy :: 231 p
Book 6: HJPEV and the Philosopher's Stone :: 319 p
VOL 1 : 638
VOL 2 : 790
VOL 3 : 550
SUM : 1978 p
Calculations (my LyX files)
VOL 1 : Ch 001-021 + 022-037 -> 597p ( epubli: 32€ )
VOL 2 : Ch 038-064 + 065-085 -> 719p ( epubli: 45€ )
VOL 3 : Ch 086-099 + 100-122 -> 493p ( epubli: 38€ )
1809p ( 115 € )
86. Multiple Hypothesis Testing
87. Hedonic Awareness
88. Time Pressure, Pt 1
89. Time Pressure, Pt 2
90. Roles, Pt 1
91. Roles, Pt 2
92. Roles, Pt 3
93. Roles, Pt 4
94. Roles, Pt 5
95. Roles, Pt 6
96. Roles, Pt 7
97. Roles, Pt 8
98. Roles, Final
99. Roles, Aftermath
100. Precautionary Measures, Pt 1
101. Precautionary Measures, Pt 2
102. Caring
103. Tests
104. The Truth, Pt 1, Riddles and Answers
105. The Truth, Pt 2
106. The Truth, Pt 3
107. The Truth, Pt 4
108. The Truth, Pt 5, Answers and Riddles
109. Reflections
110. Reflections, Pt 2
111. Failure, Pt 1
112. Failure, Pt 2
113. Final Exam
114. Shut Up and Do The Impossible
115. Shut Up and Do The Impossible, Pt 2
116. Aftermath, Something to Protect, Pt 0
117. Something to Protect: Minerva McGonagall
118. Something to Protect: Professor Quirrell
119. Something to Protect: Albus Dumbledore
120. Something to Protect: Draco Malfoy
121. Something to Protect: Severus Snape
122. Something to Protect: Hermione Granger