Distinct powers

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Problem 029: Distinct powers


Consider all integer combinations of ab for 2 <= a <= 5 and 2 <= b <= 5:

2^2=4,  2^3=8,   2^4=16,  2^5=32
3^2=9,  3^3=27,  3^4=81,  3^5=243
4^2=16, 4^3=64,  4^4=256, 4^5=1024
5^2=25, 5^3=125, 5^4=625, 5^5=3125

If they are then placed in numerical order, with any repeats removed, we get the following sequence of 15 distinct terms:

4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, 32, 64, 81, 125, 243, 256, 625, 1024, 3125

How many distinct terms are in the sequence generated by ab for 2 <= a <= 100 and 2 <= b <= 100?

 . .
 . .

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This program is too big to display/execute here, click [download] to get the full program.


This problem is really not made for Befunge. The numbers become quickly too big to be stored in a 64 bit field, and you need to remember a lot of them.

My solution is probably a bit hacky/cheaty: We calculate the numbers via long multiplication and 200 single fields. Then we calculate a hash of that number and store the hash.
The cheaty part is that I needed to be sure there are no hash collisions in our set of numbers - so I tested it beforehand in a quick C# solution. And on a side note: Its disturbing how easy these problems are in a high-level language after working with Befunge for such a log time :(

Interpreter steps: 6 439 429 168
Execution time (BefunExec): 23min (4.52 MHz)
Program size: 248 x 59
Solution: 9183
Solved at: 2014-09-20

made with vanilla PHP and MySQL, no frameworks, no bootstrap, no unnecessary* javascript